Monday, June 25, 2012


We were up early and packed our camp rather efficiently, escaping before most of the other teams and before the sun could wake up. 

Kitty whipped out our two-way radio devices and tried to find the Put foot frequency 
or signal aliens or something.

Kitty: “Hello? Anybody there?!”
Put Foot/Aliens:  “-------------”
Kitty: “Alpha Delta Alpha Delta Come in!”
Put Foot/Aliens:  “----------------------“
Kitty: “Putfoot Botswana come in!”

Will try again another day maybe.

We stopped on the side of the road while the sun was coming up for a nice Motherland coffee and rusks brekki. A cup of the Motherland is worth two in the bush.  Ha.

Driving Tertius, branded Etios Christmas tree on wheels, there is always a lot of interest about who we are and what we’re doing and where we’re going. This makes us think we are pretty rad. 

And then we met 5 industrious dudes who making a similar trip, but on foot. (And skateboard it seemed) They are making a 30 day endurance walk from Windhoek, Namibia to Maputo, Mozambique, and are handing out educational material to 36 schools on the way, 
AND building a Class Room at one of the schools on the way.
Yeah. That makes them pretty cool too. Check them out here (

So we headed and over the Namibia border with a rather unfriendly nod (and an odd inquiry on whether we were right handed or not), and picked up some cheese, tomatoes and bread for a roadside lunch stop in the sunshine. Truckers and other teams zoomed
on by with hoots and waves.

We had covered a lot of ground so had some time to spare heading into Windhoek.

Ideal time to stop at the local German Taxidermist. Achtung! We were pleasantly surprised (and only slightly disappointed) when the quality of erm, creatures, was indeed very lifelike. No eye-popping armadillos or scraggly 
flea-bitten chinchillas. Sigh. But Andre the Taxidermy dude was indeed very obliging and lovely. Took us on a whole tour of his shop from start to finish. Now we know how to throw bison skin over foam molds and that makes us feel very manly. 

High fiving the locals

Bought a sticker for Tertius and headed on our way.

In our mission to find a place to camp for the night we stopped off at the famous Joe’s Beer House to “sample the local beer” and munch on some animal. Manda went straight for the Gemsbok. Kitty braved the Zebra. And Dani opted for the Bok on Joe’s logo. After an amazingly tasty meal and three full tummies the great “where do we sleep tonight?” question still loomed. Four fully booked backpackers later, we settled at Backpackers Unite. It must have been the coldest night in the universe, but colder. We’re still talking about it.

Vodacom data still not working, but at least we have a phone that can send and receive smses.

Onwards to Etosha!

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