Sitting on the beach
writing this blog post. The sun is going down behind us and warming our backs.
The sand is soft. Not too soft. Kinda like a good mixture between Camps Bay and
the Transkei. It sparkles in the sun. The waves are gently lapping away and now
and then you can hear a fish eagle call in the distance. Sounds super cheesy, but it is paradise. Today we took a little fishing boat out with Risk Africa
and two other new friends to a nearby island
and spent the day fishing and swimming. Dani went adventuring with Risk Africa team member “Adventure Blake”
to climb the rocks on the island and snorkeled a bit, whilst Manda and Kitty relaxed in the sunshine, swam and fished.
and spent the day fishing and swimming. Dani went adventuring with Risk Africa team member “Adventure Blake”
to climb the rocks on the island and snorkeled a bit, whilst Manda and Kitty relaxed in the sunshine, swam and fished.
Tonight is a
Checkpoint Party and we’re all geared up with our lumo for a Full Moon Party on
the Lake Malawi beach. It’s confusing when the lake looks so much like an
Shew! No posts for 4 days. Hope y'all have stayed well clear of the full moon crocodiles. Or, even more deadly, the legendary Emela-ntouka! (Dum dum duuuuuum..)